The Timebug Method: 10 Steps to Getting Things Done

  1.  First, we need to get centered.  Take a few minutes to find yourself, however you do that.  I like to put my hand on my heart, take a few deep breathes and get grounded.   2.  Start with a blank slate or canvas – that could be a piece of paper, empty Word

Quality vs. Quantity (of Time)

It is hard to be objective about the quality of our time, while quantity is more concrete. Even quantity of time can be tricky, because we’re not always present (mentally and emotionally) where we are. That said, it important to evaluate the quality of our time, which can be gaged best by measuring our energy.

Multi-Tiered Goal Setting

I am a strong proponent of multi-tiered goal setting.  Set three bars – (MLA) “minimum level of achievement”, (HLA) “high level of achievement” and “BHAG level”.  BHAG = Big Hairy Audacious Goals”.  For example, say that you currently earn around $80,000 and want to earn more money this year.  The Multi-Tiered Goal would look like

Parallel Processing: Finish (2012) Strong & Plan Ahead (for 2013)

Welcome to December 2012!  From today, we have 31 days or 8.5% of the year remaining, to make of it what we may.  Whether you intend to spend more time with your family, boost your performance at work, learn a new skill or successfully complete an exercise regimen, there is still time to do it.

How the Successes and Failures of Others Impact You

To what degree do the goals and aspirations of those who are close to you impact your life?  For example, let’s say you and your best friend get together to create New Year’s Resolutions for 2013.  At the end of next year, you see that you are on track to achieving your aims, while your

The Dangers of Goal Snoozing

Are you a snoozer?  I'm not talking about your morning alarm, although that habit may correlate.  Do you procrastinate key tasks, projects and goals?  Today, I found myself looking over my 2012 goals, and preparing for 2013.  Although I feel good about overall direction and achievements on most fronts, there were several goals that entailed

What Happens after we set a Goal?

Goal Setting feels great, doesn’t it?  When we set new goals, we’re right in that moment of vision and inspiration.  What typically happens after that, however, does not always transpire the way we planned it. There are several common outcomes, which I have playfully named and outlined below: Bench Warmer.  The goal sits on the

Five Types of Goals

In the TEL (Time-Energy-Life) Workshop, I go over five different types of goals, so that we can gear up for 2013 with a bit more clarity on what exactly we want to achieve. Workshop participants will be asked to spend a week beforehand paying attention to how they spend their time, accounting for every single

14,000 Days & Nights

A few days ago, I reached a milestone – 14,000 days of (this) Life!  I think that’s a pretty interesting personal factoid (for me at least).  Not many people might look at their lives from this perspective – but it’s pretty neat when one does. The first thing that comes up for me is “Gratitude”

The Timebug Project: A Global, Open-Source Research Initiative

We are creating the world’s first database of how human beings spend their time and have spent their time across all of human history.  This database will also gather and publish invaluable data about how long things take.  Anything, everything – sorted by critical attributes or aspects, including Location, Time Period and Demographics.  The Timebug