Planning Through Planlessness
How can the absence of a plan itself be a plan? Answer: in scenarios where desired actions and behaviors become so habituated that they come to us automatically, with no planning required.
How can the absence of a plan itself be a plan? Answer: in scenarios where desired actions and behaviors become so habituated that they come to us automatically, with no planning required.
We're often our own worst critics. For that reason, it can be a valuable exercise to attempt to see ourselves through the eyes of others in our lives: our friends, our peers, and our loved ones.
There is no vision without clarity, and so clarity must be achieved before one’s vision can be realized. Luckily, nature provides us with all of the clues we need to find direction and live our purpose.
Opportunity is like a train arriving at a station. The choice to board is yours alone, but if you don’t get on, that same train might not ever show up again. Timebug Founder/CEO Arman Rousta offers tips for how to finally leave the station, and how to make sure the train is the right one for your place and time.
In this video, Timebug Founder Arman Rousta discusses the value of bringing order to one's life, and highlights how an app like Timebug can assist with that goal.
In this video, Timebug Founder Arman Rousta discusses the value of bringing order to one's life, and highlights how an app like Timebug can assist with that goal.
Timebug Founder & CEO Arman Rousta challenges viewers to identify their purpose, and take steps toward realizing it.
In this video, Timebug Founder Arman Rousta discusses the value of bringing order to one's life, and highlights how an app like Timebug can assist with that goal.
We're now in the part of the year where the novelty of New Year's resolutions have typically worn off for most of us. In this video, Timebug Founder Arman Rousta explains how to navigate this period, and how to ensure that we still meet our goals and find inspiration along the way.
Timebug is an advanced goal-setting and time mastery system. But how did it come to be? Join Timebug Founder Arman Rousta for a one-minute crash course on the origin story of this groundbreaking app.